Ben Whittaker

Plugged in the Beat

Language: Haxe Engine: HaxePunk Platforms: Web, Android Game Jam Jan 2014, 48 hours

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About the Game

Plugged in the Beat is a game I made together with Chantal Horan and Zarke for the 2014 Global Game Jam, which had the theme “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

You must collect music notes, and avoid dancers. Touching the dancers lowers your sanity, thus feeding the theory that they’re all actually a terrible delusion. If there are too many dancers around, you can change the music and theme of the dance floor by collecting a cassette, and the new dancers that brings will tend to beat down the old dancers.

The coolest thing about this game is probably the original score by Zarke. You can download the entire soundtrack of the game, as well as the soundtrack for an other game Zarke was composing for at the same time (He was composing music for two game jam games at once!), here.


Code: Ben Whittaker
Art: Chantal Horan (deviantART)
Music: Zarke (Facebook) (Bandcamp)